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Best Matcha Tea For Weight Loss & High Performance
By Victoria Johnson

With summer right around the corner, it's no wonder everyone is rushing to do what they can to burn as much fat as possible! Whether if it's to wear that teeny-weeny bikini or trim down for the next bodybuilding show, the new rave is all about Matcha Green Tea!

Matcha, with one serving providing the nutritional value of 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea, is a bright green finely ground powder once used by ancient Chinese and Japanese Monks to help them stay alert. In our modern-day, it's well-known for metabolism boosting, cholesterol lowering, and it's ability to help the body burn calories or what is called, 'thermogenics', up to 43%.

In a study featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was demonstrated that matcha has more benefits than was once thought. In addition to improving overall health such as lowering "bad" cholesterol, cancer prevention and anti-aging benefits, matcha was a leader in providing the several benefits:

1. AS A METABOLIC BOOSTER: Matcha Tea helps burn calories and helps build lean mass and burn fat. It's the perfect partner to support your weight loss goals in an all-natural organic way by increasing your body's metabolic rate. Matcha green tea contains polyphenol EGCG, a thermogenic component thought to boost metabolism. Whether you are an Olympic Athlete or just need premium nutrition, this is a perfect nutrient source for you. Our elite athletes and aspiring athletes love the way it enhances performance, skill and concentration. There's no crash, addiction or negative side effects.

2. FOR SUSTAINED ENERGY, POWER & CONFIDENCE! Organic Matcha helps to boost your energy, vitality and sense of power and drive with the slow release natural energy. There is caffeine in Matcha, but it's released slowly into the bloodstream, making it milder on the stomach, aids with digestion, cleansing, and healing. This makes it more effective and jittery free. MATCHA IS IDEAL FOR GLYCEMIC, PALEO AND KETOGENIC DIET FANS! It's low-calorie, balances blood sugar, low glycemic and loaded with high quality nutrition.

3. THE ULTIMATE MEGA BRAIN FOOD - INCREASE MEMORY, FOCUS & CONCENTRATION! The improved energy and performance from a serving of Matcha Green Tea can last up to 6 hours. Matcha is also recognized as a natural healthy mood enhancer that makes you feel great. It helps with focus & staying "in the zone" that wonderful place also interpreted as a flow state. It is wonderful for yoga, studying and doing tedious projects. It will revolutionize your prayer and meditation practice too. Best Matcha Green Teas is a pure authentic Japanese Matcha Tea grown and harvested in the purest form in Japan.

4. IMPROVE SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS, LOWERS CHOLESTEROL. Consistent Matcha Green Tea drinkers have lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while at the same time increasing higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. It rejuvenates hair, skin and nails. You can use the powder any way you like. Drink it as a tea, put it in capsules and keep in your school and gym bag, Put it in smoothies, make lattes, bake with it and put it in frozen yogurt if you want. Your brain and body will feel the power!

Victoria Johnson is Best Selling Celebrity Professional Trainer. Visit her web site at http://www.victoriajohnson.com and sign up for her Free Weekly E-mail Newsletter where thousands of people just like you are getting awesome product discounts and tons of fat blasting diet tips, body shaping exercises and flawless skin formulas every week!

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